Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Build 15.0 Review

What's new:

  • Finally all soulbound play is back
  • Alleged new anti-spam features but I see the same spammers
  • Djinn new animation he looks like a stop light, green glow then red glow when dying
The noobs are crying because no one can trade but I love it. I hardly ever trade and I am not dependent on mules so everything is the same for me. Well the one big difference is less rushing and begging from other players.

Monday, June 24, 2013

White Bag: Ring of the Sphinx

From one of the most difficult dungeons, Tomb of the Ancients, comes the best rings. Although the one I got recently was not the most useful.

After beating Bes with another player I got this drop. Almost died trying to reach the bag as the other two bosses were still attacking. The Ring of the Sphinx is a good ring for priest and other MP dependents characters but in large not for other classes.

As you may notice I love switching rings. This one was not a keeper though, I fed it to my pet. Since I only have one chest open and no mules i really had no other choice. These rings are soulbound so they are cannot be traded.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

White Bag: Golden Femur Treasure

A while ago they introduced treasures to the Realm. The purpose of them was to collect them all and they would have a specific purpose. So far they have no use and are generally used to feed pets.

Abyss of Demons dungeon has three treasures, Golden Femur (1/3), Golden Ribcage (2/3), and Golden Skull (3/3). They drop in white bags and are rare but since the drop rates increased they can be found on a regular basis.

Personally I hope they allow access to the Elder Realm but that is another mythical place that has yet to be seen.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Double Quest: Hermit and Ghost Ship

Double quests or double spawns occur on occasion because they pop up randomly. It is not even limited to 2 sometimes it can be 3 or more all on top of each other. At that point your quest square goes back and forth between quests.

Call this one Hermit's Ghost Ship.

I was my knight when me and another knight successfully did this quest. Which was funny because a multiboxer teleported to us while we fought and instantly died. These combos of quest monster are very strong and hard to kill.

I have seen Eye of Dragon on top of Ghost Ship next to Pentaract in the godlands. These things are almost unbeatable and often takes time to finish.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Build and Testing:14.2

From the great and powerful GM/Dev SirRacha

Hotfix 14.2.0 is live!
The following is a list of adjustments have made to Realm of the Mad God as of 6/18/2013:
  • Resolved issues affecting new player accounts create on Thursday 6/13 and Friday 6/14.
  • Resolved an issue displaying duplicate Stats in the Stats tab.

I notice nothing else new.

Cheats: Multiboxers

The cheating on ROTMG is rampant. Virtually everyone has some kind of cheat. Mostly it is Muledump or multiple accounts. Lots of people use hack clients that change the game play. Another popular one is multiboxing.

Multiboxing allows a person to control several characters at once. They can create dozens of accounts and control each one the same way. This allows them to fight as a unit and heal as a group, they become invulnerable.

The nultiboxer above used this to spell out BOTMAKER in  the nexus and cause incredible lag. Using these kinds of hack causing the servers to lag and strains the entire realm.

Famous multiboxers like Theory have used this to max characters and get loot 100% of the time.

I do not like these cheaters and never use hacks or multiple accounts but Kabam does little about this and  the community is so full of cheaters that there is little outrage.

Update Correction: It is BOTMAKER not GOTMAKER, thanks to kong ben.

Friday, June 14, 2013

3 Treasure Room Snake Pit

I have said it many time the best dungeon on ROTMG is the Snake Pit. I have got 50% of all my white bags from snake pit treasure rooms. The best part is most players skip the T-rooms because they think it is a waste of time.

Each treasure room is a brand new chance at a white bag and each snake pit can have 0-3 T-rooms.

On the path to boss configuration.

Close to home configuration.

All on top configuration.

Far from boss configuration.

In a chain configuration.

Almost a complete loop configuration.

Scattered configuration.

Sometimes the T-rooms are close some times they are far away but you should always go searching. Map size gives you a clue if there are multiple rooms but even in a small map one T-room may still exist.

Build 14.1 Review

What's new:

  • Anti-spam feature is working...for now
  • New enemy wizards in the Arena
  • Less aggressive Bomb Devil
  • Profanity filter is working as normal again
Everything seems smoother and the memory leak seems to be fixed.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Build 14.0 Review

What's new:

  • Battle Arena for 50 gold or 500 Fame
  • To "continue" after battle death it is 10 gold
  • Prizes in Battle Arena are random potion drops, tincs, elixirs, rums, or Crown of Resurrection
  • New Bomb Devil in the Battle Arena
  • Adult White Dragon has changed 
  • More spambots
  • 10% decrease in pet abilities
  • Manor of the Immortals is now a guaranteed attack pot drop, assuming you kill the boss
  • Spider Den and Sprite World boss traps now instantly disappear after boss death

Nothing but the new adult white dragon is interesting. A warning the new build is causing huge memory leaks so your screen may freeze at times.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Testing: 14.0

What's new:
  • Battle Arena for 0 gold or 500 Fame
  • Full knight set for 1 gold
  • New fire lava enemy
  • Adult White Dragon has changed
Start with the last Adult White Dragon on the left is the old one and the right is the new one, more fierce when it roars and shots red blasting things.

The new enemy is very tough for low or mid level players.
It throws bomb and the fire left behind turns the ground into lava. It also shoots powerful blast. This usually appears in Wave 10 of the Battle Arena.

The arena consist of waves of realm enemies that appear randomly. Each wave gets tougher. Between waves a random potion drops like tincs, elixirs, or rums.

Check out videos here:

Everything but the Snake Oil was dropped in the Arena and is with even after you leave the arena.

After my first pass in the Arena I died during wave 10. You get a current and all time best battle summary.

Nothing to special about the Arena and definitely not worth any fame or gold to enter.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Feeding Errors

Most feeding errors are due to lag. You may try and feed your pet and it will either get rejected or make your feed item disappear with no change in feed level. Do not get upset as the feed most likely did go through it just lagged out and your screen did not refresh.

That said if you are sure that you lost an item and your pets level stayed the same then contact ROTMG support and they will review your purchases and make adjustment.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Blue Bag: Pots

The Blue Potion Bag or blue bag for short was a joy to see because it generally meant a stat potion dropped. Unfortunately these days common eggs also drop from these bags making it not always great to find, especially if you already have all the eggs you want.

Granted all types of eggs can be in a blue bag even legendary so take a close look at the egg before walking away.