Thursday, October 17, 2013

17.3 Review

Halloween Theme is up and Creepy Talking Jack-O-Lantern says, "Wanna see a magic trick?...look behind you.", blah, blah, something meaningful..", "...there's nothing to fear...".

There is also a modified T11 sword that shoots skulls.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Review: 17.2 and 17.1

Two recent updates that show little improvement.


  • I saw nothing new.

  • Chat star level selector, you can set who to chat with based on their star level. This is to stop spammers as level 0 is never available to chat. 

Works well so far but already most spammers are lvl 1.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

17.0 and 16.5

Two recent updates that show little improvement.

  • Keys no longer stuck on screen after leaving dungeon.

  • Hardware acceleration key can now be set, and it works well. 
  • Cube God 3D, looks awful and nothing 3D
Here is a yellow cube in 3D it looks like confetti.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Testing 16.4

Testing was up for now and the new Battle Nexus is up and virtually everything is on sale for 1 fame.

Yup pots are being sold in the nexus.

Battle Nexus Portal

Battle Nexus is an attempt to make fun of the massive hacking of the game a short time ago. Here you see graves and you get to fight 3 bosses then Oryx 2 for no fame but useless and cute weapons.

New weapons are everywhere and the shoot the most adorable thing like teddy bears.

Nothing too special but the cheap items does change game play a lot.

Friday, September 6, 2013

ROTMG Hacked to Death

Apparently someone got an admins account and spawned strong gods on most of the nexus servers killing hundreds of players and generally screwed with every part of the game.

Forums, blogs, the game itself, and everything associated with Kabam's Realm of the Mad God is gone and offline.

Apparently it happened early Friday September 6 and I expect it will last a long time.

Reddit is the place to get the latest info while the ROTMG Twitter is is still active but sharing very little.

From Reddit user:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Build 16.1 Review

They added epic dungeons which are just the same old dungeons with very strong enemies. Lag and disconnection errors are worse than ever I spent 10 minutes trying to enter the nexus more than once.

Epic dungeons as with all content are not doable if you are not maxed or wearing less than the best equipment. You still have rushers and hackers running to the boss. The more people in an epic dungeon the easier it gets but your chance of loot if unmaxed is is virtually zero.

To find epic dungeons either kill The Crystal and its prisoner or find a "Lucky" god which appears when a new realm is open.

Careful as these appear for a limited time and if not killed soon they disappear. Overall the new quest and dungeons were done half-assed and does not bring anything unique to the game.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pet Fusion No Selector

When fusing pets you should place the one with the abilities you want to keep on the left and the one on the right will disappear. Unfortunately you cannot keep the same pet when going from Uncommon to Rare. Unlike Ash and his Pikachu your pet will evolve.

I got some woodland eggs and maxed and fused them until I got two maxed uncommon pet. I knew my choices were limited but they had the MP/HP heal that everyone craves. The order of HP and MP does not matter as long as they are the first two.

Waiting for the evolution I just hoped it was not the bird and I luckily got a reindeer, although skunk would have been fine too.

While I appreciate the randomness of the game I still would like a bit more control with pets since some of the pets are downright ugly and ridiculous looking.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Filling Out a Map

One of the persnoal challenges people like to do on Realm of the Mad God (ROTMG) is filling out the realm map. The realm is quite large and when the game and it takes a while to visit all the places. Here is one of my most successful attempts.

There are 13 confirmed maps for the realm and allegedly a 14th lost world either rarely seen or retired. Back when RTOMG was less popular playing late night was the best way to fill out a map since few players were around and most did not hack so it took a long time for the realm to close. Unfortunately hacker, overpowered noobs, and a large population has sped up realm closing.

Here are the best ways to fill out the realm map:
  • Circle the coast first - with no monster threat and speed it can be done quickly.
  • Next to the roads -following the first two roads is pretty simple.

  • Ignore quest, dungeons, and most enemies.
  • Leave Godlands for last even the strongest player can die there.
  • Don't start at one point and work from there it takes too long.
  • Try empty realms and late at night after midnight on school days since most players are kids. 
  • Teleport to players in black space rather than walking.
  • Keep mini-map partially zoomed in to see the best way to uncover pixels without overlapping.
There is no prize or achievements gained for filling out a map but it is something fun when game play gets old.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Handle Death in ROTMG

Badly, judging by the community it is never a fair death. A while back my knight died he was a powerhouse. My knight was on the verge of having all 8 stats maxed and then died fighting Oryx 2. I missed a stun and then Oryx 2 killed me.

I have not been able to max another knight, mostly because I am playing the other characters. When my knight died I was shocked but not angry.

The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief (7 stages is too much for a game)

1. Denial and Isolation - We yell "No, no, no, no..." about a hundred times because we cannot understand what happened. Then we sit back looking around to see if this is real. If anyone ask what is wrong you cannot get the right words out because they will not understand that your best character just died.

2. Anger - You lash out at everyone. Those players for not helping you. The computer for being slightly lagging. Kabam because it is always good to blame them. People around you for saying "What is wrong with you, it's just a game."

3. Bargaining - Trying to get control over what just happened
  • If only I moved back a bit faster…
  • If only the other guy would have stunned him first…
  • If only my computer was better…
We may even ask God to do something, but of course he just laughs at you calling you a noob. Occasionally we even may beg Kabam to resurrect the character but that never works.

4. Depression - Knowing nothing can be done we sulk and whine on the forums. We get mad and threaten to quit. We swear we are done with this game and life in general.

5. Acceptance -Finally we realize that this loss is permanent and just accept it. We go on and play a new guy knowing this time it will not die so stupidly. You know it is just a game and you can can start again.

All this happens within 2 minutes on average.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

White Bag: Double Demon Blade

When playing with the knight it is surprisingly easy to find the demon blade. Unfortunately it is a pretty weak blade compared to the other UT blades.

Found this one in the treasure room in the Abyss of Demons. Now you find up to 3 treasure rooms in Abyss so it is possible to find multiple white bags. I said previously that I do not like the Dblade because of its short range.

For weaker enemies the Dblade is great but for any real tough boss I always go for Ancient Stone Sword.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Free Gold for ROTMG

There are a few ways to get free gold for Realm of the Mad God and I discussed how Kabam Rewards work. A better way is to avoid Kabam and go through Kongregate and earn kreds. Kreds are the currency for Kongregate and can be used in hundreds of games that have in game purchases. While you can buy kreds you can also earn them.

Every kred you earn is well documented and support is great if there is a problem. You start by clicking on the Buy Kreds button.

It shows you all your options to buy kreds. I chose the EARN FREE KREDS option in the middle row, the second one with the K tokens pictures.

That takes you to the Earn Kreds section. Most are offers that you must buy with real money. The other majority are downloads of things that sound creepy. The best are the videos they only give you +1 kred but they are the least invasive.

When you finally earned enough kreds you go the nexus and go to buy gold and you are presented with the above options. 

I had no plans to ever buy in game stuff so I never bothered unitl ROTMG. I finally decided on June 1, 2013 to earn enough kreds to buy a extra chest and character slot. In less than 2 months by July 18, 2013 I already had enough to buy them. 111 kreds i used to get 1200 gold for free.

I did one +10 survey but found it was too long so instead i just watched videos. Luvkily this was before the 4th of July. During this time period Samsung and Jay-z were pushing his new album and they had the commercial about it up. Everyday you could play the video ad about 20 times. After 5 days I earned almost +100 kreds for these +1 videos.

Samsung and Jay-Z got into a little trouble for overly promoting and having an app that was a bit suspicious.  Those news stories you hear about Jay-Z earning millions of clicks on youtube are parially based on his promoters buying the clicks. They paid Kongregate to host the ads and gave away free kreds if you watched it. Most companies can only afford one video per customer, Samsung gave each customer at least 100 chances.

Currently there are very few videos so I will wait until another album drops and hopefully they need to boost there social media numbers too.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

White Bag: EP

On the weekend of July 27-29, 2013 the UT items will be un-soulbound and available to trade. So time to hit those dungeons and pick up a few thing like the Staff of Extreme Prejudice (EP) for trade.

Sprite world is a relatively easy dungeon and it drops a fair amount of white bags. EP is less common but it is still seen enough to be worth your while even if you already maxed dex.

It shoots 10 shots in a circle at close range. While useful when hugging an enemy the risk of death is not worth it. It is also has 40% the speed of a normal staff making it slow. I prefer to use any T8 or higher staff as the speed makes up for the lack of power.

This is a pet food weapon at 600 feed power.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Expo Ring

Experimental Ring or Expo for short is the second best ring in all the realm. Sure exalted Def and HP are also great but this one is more even. Pyra ring is slightly better but tougher to find. That is another reason why expo is better. it drops from a blue bag in Mad Lab and you have two chances of finding one if you defeat both bosses.

The ring is fairly common and drops with a wis pot. Pictured above was the ring and wis pot that I switched out with two extra HP pots I was carrying. A T4 trap was also dropped but I did not need it.

The myth of not destroying any tables in Mad Lab is just that. You can destroy as many tables as you want and you may still get an Expo ring or two. The Random Number Generator (RNG) does not get influenced by the tables destruction.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Kabam Rewards (Updated)

Kabam is the owner of Realm of the Mad God and several other games. They recently started a way to buy in game merchandise for most of their games for free. Kabam Rewards does exactly that it gives you rewards points for to get in game currency.

Program Overview for ROTMG

  • 50 points for signing up
  • 550 points on top of that for the first 5-day in a row play
  • 5 points a day on top of that for playing everyday
  • 50 points for playing 10 days in row every 20 days
  • 10 points for every $1 spent
  • Double Points for every purchase over $49 
  • Double Points on your first purchase

Program Rewards

10 Gold  =500 points
500 Gold  =5000 points
1200 Gold =10000 points
2600 Gold =20000 points
7000 Gold =50000 points
16000 Gold =100000 points

At the beginning 500 points got you 20 Realm gold but they dropped it to 5 Realm gold, now it is 10 Realm Gold which is still low compared to the rest of the rewards list.

My Progress

I started on June 12, 2012 with the 50 sign in points. Today, July 13, 2013 I have 910 points. According to my calculations I will get 5000 points on August 25, 2014.

If you want free realm gold your best bet is Kongregate Kred over the same time period I got 1200 Realm Gold.

Update: They added 250 Gold = 2500 points.

Monday, July 8, 2013

White Bag: Dblade

Demon Blade commonly known as Dblade is a powerful two shot blade. It is not as strong as the T7 Golden Sword but with two shots and a Pally boost it is incredibly strong. Another draw back is the the short range. Personally I prefer Ancient Stone Sword so the Dblade gets fed to my pets.

Sometime found in white bags after defeating the Abyss boss it is not a super rare drop. The myth of carry a T5 fire sword to increase your chances of finding a Dblade is not true. It was a joke started on the forums.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

White Bag: Golden Femur Again

Finding white bags is more common these days and they tend to repeat. So a few days after finding a golden femur in Abyss I find another. At least this time you get to see what else was in the bag.


In all there were five items in the bag. The Golden Femur was the best since it has 450 feed power. Next in the bag were 2 pots, a vit and def, then a T4 ring of Paramount Magic and a mithril dagger.

White bags often contain multiple items but few are even worthy of picking up.

Monday, July 1, 2013

White Bag: Inc from Mad Lab

Wine Cellar Incantation (Inc) is one of the more common white bag drops. This one is from the Mad Lab and dropped from Dr. Terrible.

As you see I also got an Expo ring from an early drop. All the Mad Lab exclusive gear drops in blue bags and are generally more common. Some people report that fulmi scepter is hard to get but I have found a few and I do not do this dungeon often. Even that Mith shield is from a Mad Lab drop and seems to be the easiest place to get one.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Build 15.0 Review

What's new:

  • Finally all soulbound play is back
  • Alleged new anti-spam features but I see the same spammers
  • Djinn new animation he looks like a stop light, green glow then red glow when dying
The noobs are crying because no one can trade but I love it. I hardly ever trade and I am not dependent on mules so everything is the same for me. Well the one big difference is less rushing and begging from other players.

Monday, June 24, 2013

White Bag: Ring of the Sphinx

From one of the most difficult dungeons, Tomb of the Ancients, comes the best rings. Although the one I got recently was not the most useful.

After beating Bes with another player I got this drop. Almost died trying to reach the bag as the other two bosses were still attacking. The Ring of the Sphinx is a good ring for priest and other MP dependents characters but in large not for other classes.

As you may notice I love switching rings. This one was not a keeper though, I fed it to my pet. Since I only have one chest open and no mules i really had no other choice. These rings are soulbound so they are cannot be traded.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

White Bag: Golden Femur Treasure

A while ago they introduced treasures to the Realm. The purpose of them was to collect them all and they would have a specific purpose. So far they have no use and are generally used to feed pets.

Abyss of Demons dungeon has three treasures, Golden Femur (1/3), Golden Ribcage (2/3), and Golden Skull (3/3). They drop in white bags and are rare but since the drop rates increased they can be found on a regular basis.

Personally I hope they allow access to the Elder Realm but that is another mythical place that has yet to be seen.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Double Quest: Hermit and Ghost Ship

Double quests or double spawns occur on occasion because they pop up randomly. It is not even limited to 2 sometimes it can be 3 or more all on top of each other. At that point your quest square goes back and forth between quests.

Call this one Hermit's Ghost Ship.

I was my knight when me and another knight successfully did this quest. Which was funny because a multiboxer teleported to us while we fought and instantly died. These combos of quest monster are very strong and hard to kill.

I have seen Eye of Dragon on top of Ghost Ship next to Pentaract in the godlands. These things are almost unbeatable and often takes time to finish.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Build and Testing:14.2

From the great and powerful GM/Dev SirRacha

Hotfix 14.2.0 is live!
The following is a list of adjustments have made to Realm of the Mad God as of 6/18/2013:
  • Resolved issues affecting new player accounts create on Thursday 6/13 and Friday 6/14.
  • Resolved an issue displaying duplicate Stats in the Stats tab.

I notice nothing else new.

Cheats: Multiboxers

The cheating on ROTMG is rampant. Virtually everyone has some kind of cheat. Mostly it is Muledump or multiple accounts. Lots of people use hack clients that change the game play. Another popular one is multiboxing.

Multiboxing allows a person to control several characters at once. They can create dozens of accounts and control each one the same way. This allows them to fight as a unit and heal as a group, they become invulnerable.

The nultiboxer above used this to spell out BOTMAKER in  the nexus and cause incredible lag. Using these kinds of hack causing the servers to lag and strains the entire realm.

Famous multiboxers like Theory have used this to max characters and get loot 100% of the time.

I do not like these cheaters and never use hacks or multiple accounts but Kabam does little about this and  the community is so full of cheaters that there is little outrage.

Update Correction: It is BOTMAKER not GOTMAKER, thanks to kong ben.

Friday, June 14, 2013

3 Treasure Room Snake Pit

I have said it many time the best dungeon on ROTMG is the Snake Pit. I have got 50% of all my white bags from snake pit treasure rooms. The best part is most players skip the T-rooms because they think it is a waste of time.

Each treasure room is a brand new chance at a white bag and each snake pit can have 0-3 T-rooms.

On the path to boss configuration.

Close to home configuration.

All on top configuration.

Far from boss configuration.

In a chain configuration.

Almost a complete loop configuration.

Scattered configuration.

Sometimes the T-rooms are close some times they are far away but you should always go searching. Map size gives you a clue if there are multiple rooms but even in a small map one T-room may still exist.

Build 14.1 Review

What's new:

  • Anti-spam feature is working...for now
  • New enemy wizards in the Arena
  • Less aggressive Bomb Devil
  • Profanity filter is working as normal again
Everything seems smoother and the memory leak seems to be fixed.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Build 14.0 Review

What's new:

  • Battle Arena for 50 gold or 500 Fame
  • To "continue" after battle death it is 10 gold
  • Prizes in Battle Arena are random potion drops, tincs, elixirs, rums, or Crown of Resurrection
  • New Bomb Devil in the Battle Arena
  • Adult White Dragon has changed 
  • More spambots
  • 10% decrease in pet abilities
  • Manor of the Immortals is now a guaranteed attack pot drop, assuming you kill the boss
  • Spider Den and Sprite World boss traps now instantly disappear after boss death

Nothing but the new adult white dragon is interesting. A warning the new build is causing huge memory leaks so your screen may freeze at times.