Monday, July 8, 2013

White Bag: Dblade

Demon Blade commonly known as Dblade is a powerful two shot blade. It is not as strong as the T7 Golden Sword but with two shots and a Pally boost it is incredibly strong. Another draw back is the the short range. Personally I prefer Ancient Stone Sword so the Dblade gets fed to my pets.

Sometime found in white bags after defeating the Abyss boss it is not a super rare drop. The myth of carry a T5 fire sword to increase your chances of finding a Dblade is not true. It was a joke started on the forums.


  1. Why feed the dblade? Keep it. It is perfect for Knights. This sword can do more dps than an ACCLAIM if both shots hit. Besides, you're a KNIGHT. What better class to hug enemies than this class?

    1. Hugging the enemy never works for me so I like the longer range of Ancient Stone Sword.
