Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Free Gold for ROTMG

There are a few ways to get free gold for Realm of the Mad God and I discussed how Kabam Rewards work. A better way is to avoid Kabam and go through Kongregate and earn kreds. Kreds are the currency for Kongregate and can be used in hundreds of games that have in game purchases. While you can buy kreds you can also earn them.

Every kred you earn is well documented and support is great if there is a problem. You start by clicking on the Buy Kreds button.

It shows you all your options to buy kreds. I chose the EARN FREE KREDS option in the middle row, the second one with the K tokens pictures.

That takes you to the Earn Kreds section. Most are offers that you must buy with real money. The other majority are downloads of things that sound creepy. The best are the videos they only give you +1 kred but they are the least invasive.

When you finally earned enough kreds you go the nexus and go to buy gold and you are presented with the above options. 

I had no plans to ever buy in game stuff so I never bothered unitl ROTMG. I finally decided on June 1, 2013 to earn enough kreds to buy a extra chest and character slot. In less than 2 months by July 18, 2013 I already had enough to buy them. 111 kreds i used to get 1200 gold for free.

I did one +10 survey but found it was too long so instead i just watched videos. Luvkily this was before the 4th of July. During this time period Samsung and Jay-z were pushing his new album and they had the commercial about it up. Everyday you could play the video ad about 20 times. After 5 days I earned almost +100 kreds for these +1 videos.

Samsung and Jay-Z got into a little trouble for overly promoting and having an app that was a bit suspicious.  Those news stories you hear about Jay-Z earning millions of clicks on youtube are parially based on his promoters buying the clicks. They paid Kongregate to host the ads and gave away free kreds if you watched it. Most companies can only afford one video per customer, Samsung gave each customer at least 100 chances.

Currently there are very few videos so I will wait until another album drops and hopefully they need to boost there social media numbers too.

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