Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Build 16.1 Review

They added epic dungeons which are just the same old dungeons with very strong enemies. Lag and disconnection errors are worse than ever I spent 10 minutes trying to enter the nexus more than once.

Epic dungeons as with all content are not doable if you are not maxed or wearing less than the best equipment. You still have rushers and hackers running to the boss. The more people in an epic dungeon the easier it gets but your chance of loot if unmaxed is is virtually zero.

To find epic dungeons either kill The Crystal and its prisoner or find a "Lucky" god which appears when a new realm is open.

Careful as these appear for a limited time and if not killed soon they disappear. Overall the new quest and dungeons were done half-assed and does not bring anything unique to the game.

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