Saturday, August 24, 2013

Filling Out a Map

One of the persnoal challenges people like to do on Realm of the Mad God (ROTMG) is filling out the realm map. The realm is quite large and when the game and it takes a while to visit all the places. Here is one of my most successful attempts.

There are 13 confirmed maps for the realm and allegedly a 14th lost world either rarely seen or retired. Back when RTOMG was less popular playing late night was the best way to fill out a map since few players were around and most did not hack so it took a long time for the realm to close. Unfortunately hacker, overpowered noobs, and a large population has sped up realm closing.

Here are the best ways to fill out the realm map:
  • Circle the coast first - with no monster threat and speed it can be done quickly.
  • Next to the roads -following the first two roads is pretty simple.

  • Ignore quest, dungeons, and most enemies.
  • Leave Godlands for last even the strongest player can die there.
  • Don't start at one point and work from there it takes too long.
  • Try empty realms and late at night after midnight on school days since most players are kids. 
  • Teleport to players in black space rather than walking.
  • Keep mini-map partially zoomed in to see the best way to uncover pixels without overlapping.
There is no prize or achievements gained for filling out a map but it is something fun when game play gets old.

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