Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Handle Death in ROTMG

Badly, judging by the community it is never a fair death. A while back my knight died he was a powerhouse. My knight was on the verge of having all 8 stats maxed and then died fighting Oryx 2. I missed a stun and then Oryx 2 killed me.

I have not been able to max another knight, mostly because I am playing the other characters. When my knight died I was shocked but not angry.

The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief (7 stages is too much for a game)

1. Denial and Isolation - We yell "No, no, no, no..." about a hundred times because we cannot understand what happened. Then we sit back looking around to see if this is real. If anyone ask what is wrong you cannot get the right words out because they will not understand that your best character just died.

2. Anger - You lash out at everyone. Those players for not helping you. The computer for being slightly lagging. Kabam because it is always good to blame them. People around you for saying "What is wrong with you, it's just a game."

3. Bargaining - Trying to get control over what just happened
  • If only I moved back a bit faster…
  • If only the other guy would have stunned him first…
  • If only my computer was better…
We may even ask God to do something, but of course he just laughs at you calling you a noob. Occasionally we even may beg Kabam to resurrect the character but that never works.

4. Depression - Knowing nothing can be done we sulk and whine on the forums. We get mad and threaten to quit. We swear we are done with this game and life in general.

5. Acceptance -Finally we realize that this loss is permanent and just accept it. We go on and play a new guy knowing this time it will not die so stupidly. You know it is just a game and you can can start again.

All this happens within 2 minutes on average.


  1. wow thatis so acurate my 3/8 pally deid reccently and ifelt exactly like that

    1. Sorry to hear of your loss but at least you got some fame.

    2. Welp, i found a doom bow on my recent 5/8 archer today, i went into a public tomb to have fun that night. and while clearing the sarcs, an asshole guided a mob of things (this was an assassin) right onto me. Not being fast enough to get out of the way, i insta-died. I skipped every phase of this except anger and acceptance. Is that weird? I just said to myself over and over again "That asshole..."
