Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Build 16.1 Review

They added epic dungeons which are just the same old dungeons with very strong enemies. Lag and disconnection errors are worse than ever I spent 10 minutes trying to enter the nexus more than once.

Epic dungeons as with all content are not doable if you are not maxed or wearing less than the best equipment. You still have rushers and hackers running to the boss. The more people in an epic dungeon the easier it gets but your chance of loot if unmaxed is is virtually zero.

To find epic dungeons either kill The Crystal and its prisoner or find a "Lucky" god which appears when a new realm is open.

Careful as these appear for a limited time and if not killed soon they disappear. Overall the new quest and dungeons were done half-assed and does not bring anything unique to the game.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pet Fusion No Selector

When fusing pets you should place the one with the abilities you want to keep on the left and the one on the right will disappear. Unfortunately you cannot keep the same pet when going from Uncommon to Rare. Unlike Ash and his Pikachu your pet will evolve.

I got some woodland eggs and maxed and fused them until I got two maxed uncommon pet. I knew my choices were limited but they had the MP/HP heal that everyone craves. The order of HP and MP does not matter as long as they are the first two.

Waiting for the evolution I just hoped it was not the bird and I luckily got a reindeer, although skunk would have been fine too.

While I appreciate the randomness of the game I still would like a bit more control with pets since some of the pets are downright ugly and ridiculous looking.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Filling Out a Map

One of the persnoal challenges people like to do on Realm of the Mad God (ROTMG) is filling out the realm map. The realm is quite large and when the game and it takes a while to visit all the places. Here is one of my most successful attempts.

There are 13 confirmed maps for the realm and allegedly a 14th lost world either rarely seen or retired. Back when RTOMG was less popular playing late night was the best way to fill out a map since few players were around and most did not hack so it took a long time for the realm to close. Unfortunately hacker, overpowered noobs, and a large population has sped up realm closing.

Here are the best ways to fill out the realm map:
  • Circle the coast first - with no monster threat and speed it can be done quickly.
  • Next to the roads -following the first two roads is pretty simple.

  • Ignore quest, dungeons, and most enemies.
  • Leave Godlands for last even the strongest player can die there.
  • Don't start at one point and work from there it takes too long.
  • Try empty realms and late at night after midnight on school days since most players are kids. 
  • Teleport to players in black space rather than walking.
  • Keep mini-map partially zoomed in to see the best way to uncover pixels without overlapping.
There is no prize or achievements gained for filling out a map but it is something fun when game play gets old.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Handle Death in ROTMG

Badly, judging by the community it is never a fair death. A while back my knight died he was a powerhouse. My knight was on the verge of having all 8 stats maxed and then died fighting Oryx 2. I missed a stun and then Oryx 2 killed me.

I have not been able to max another knight, mostly because I am playing the other characters. When my knight died I was shocked but not angry.

The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief (7 stages is too much for a game)

1. Denial and Isolation - We yell "No, no, no, no..." about a hundred times because we cannot understand what happened. Then we sit back looking around to see if this is real. If anyone ask what is wrong you cannot get the right words out because they will not understand that your best character just died.

2. Anger - You lash out at everyone. Those players for not helping you. The computer for being slightly lagging. Kabam because it is always good to blame them. People around you for saying "What is wrong with you, it's just a game."

3. Bargaining - Trying to get control over what just happened
  • If only I moved back a bit faster…
  • If only the other guy would have stunned him first…
  • If only my computer was better…
We may even ask God to do something, but of course he just laughs at you calling you a noob. Occasionally we even may beg Kabam to resurrect the character but that never works.

4. Depression - Knowing nothing can be done we sulk and whine on the forums. We get mad and threaten to quit. We swear we are done with this game and life in general.

5. Acceptance -Finally we realize that this loss is permanent and just accept it. We go on and play a new guy knowing this time it will not die so stupidly. You know it is just a game and you can can start again.

All this happens within 2 minutes on average.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

White Bag: Double Demon Blade

When playing with the knight it is surprisingly easy to find the demon blade. Unfortunately it is a pretty weak blade compared to the other UT blades.

Found this one in the treasure room in the Abyss of Demons. Now you find up to 3 treasure rooms in Abyss so it is possible to find multiple white bags. I said previously that I do not like the Dblade because of its short range.

For weaker enemies the Dblade is great but for any real tough boss I always go for Ancient Stone Sword.